For all you Truebies out there, Sookie and all her supernatural shanagins are back! And to all you Newbies joining the True Blood Family, Welcome, This is definitely the year to start watching!
Well, it’s been a long ten months since the season 3 finally and if you are as hooked as I am then you have got to be excited! Let’s start out by refreshing our memories with total recap.
Let us start with Bill. In Season three we got to see a lot of Bills true colours come to show. He tried to kill both Erik and Pam, Bill “claimed” it was for Sookie's sake because he didn’t want anyone who had tasted Sookie to be left alive so they could find out she is Fea and use her as they please. It turns out that Bill wanted both Erik and Pam to be gone so that he would never have to admit his deepest secret to Sookie. A secret so horrible it may have ruined their relationship forever. When Sookie kicked him out of her house he called the Queen of Louisiana, Sophie Ann LeClare, to his house ‘under false pretences’ in hopes of killing her.
Now Sookie has got a lot of unsolved problems going on with her. She’s terribly upset about Bill’s betrayal. She was crushed to find out that Bill was actually sent by the queen to procure her and seduce her if necessary to gain access to her unique ability and her potential heritage. She also has some, I’ll call them, misunderstood feeling and realizations about the flamboyant Viking vampire Erik. Due to her overwhelming emotions she accepts Claudine’s hand into the world of the Fea and disappears into the sky.
Erik and Pam, well Pam is still pretty much where she’s always been under Erik’s control doing whatever he says. Now Erik on the other hand had totally evolved since the first season. He is no longer cold stiff and heart-less, at least not all the time. He has some seriously confused feelings about Sookie and his relations ship. I wonder if he’ll do something drastic in season 4 to get her attention? We can only hope.
Next in line? Jason, Well what can I say about him.... throughout the series he’s definitely been having some serious attitude adjustments. He’s grown up a lot since we met him in season one, from having bondage sex with Maudette hanging from a meat hook to trying to become a cop? Definite upgrade. But now he may have ruined his chances at ever becoming a cop, by warning the were panthers about the DEA coming. He’s also been put in charge of them all after Felton takes Crystal away from Hot Shot. Will he keep his promise and take care of them or not?
Hmm....Sam. Shape shifting Sam. Not much to report about him except for telling Tara about his true nature. Relieving his big secret was hard on him and she didn’t take it so well. That’s about it on Sam. OH wait. He SHOT his own brother? Like what the hell. Poor Tommy’s had a hard life and he’s a little tough on the outside. Granted Tommy did steal Sam's money. Well let’s see what happens.
Now, Tara and Lafayette. Both are in very different places. Tara is messed up from her abduction and abuse from Franklin so she decides to skip town and leave Bon Temps for good without even saying good bye to anyone? Bad move girl. And Lafayette? Love interest and teacher, Jesus? Becoming a witch or not? Will see.
And lastly, my favourite couple. Hoyt and Jessica. Do I see wedding bells in their future? Hoyt is a doll and he is totally head over heels for Jessica. A new home, love, and......uh oh and angry mom with a gun? Well shit. DRAMA. Hopefully all is well with them.
Well that was a fun hour of typing. Lol. True blood season 4 coming soon. SO excited. Yay.
Hope you enjoyed. Signing out. :)
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